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We Would Love If You Joined Us

Thank you for your interest in the rush process at Alpha Delta Lambda Gamma. Each semester, our Sorority attracts ambitious students and alumni with the drive and desire to positively impact their communities and build lasting friendships.
We at Alpha Delta Lambda Gamma, strive to cultivate bonds that transpire time and distances between each and every member. Creating meaningful and lasting relationships amongst our Alpha Women, going
From Strangers to Sisters.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out

The first step in the Rush process is to register and let us at Alpha Delta Lambda Gamma know you are interested!

Taken at Yorkshire Sculpture Park March 2018_edited.jpg


Once you have registered and have been contacted by an ΑΔΛΓ Officer, you will be sent a welcome email with information about the upcoming dates and times for Orientation!

Image by J Williams


The ΑΔΛΓ Sister Mixer virtual event will give you the opportunity to meet the rest of the Sloth Sisters, get to know us as a group, and decide if the ΑΔΛΓ Sorority is right for you!

Image by Chris Montgomery


An informal interview will be conducted with the ΑΔΛΓ Council. This will be an opportunity to ask questions, get to know you a bit better.

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If all goes well, you will receive an Official Invitation to join Alpha Delta Lambda Gamma Sorority!

You Belong Here_edited.jpg


Bid Day is the last day of Rush! Potential Sisters will be offered an opportunity to become an Official Member of Alpha Delta Lambda Gamma!

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